Let go of what doesn't serve you... anymore.
Nov 8, 2024
2 min read
Well, it’s that time of year again. A time of holiday colors, delicious food and time spent with friends and family. I always find that the colder season is also a wonderful time to GIVE as well. A time to go through the pantry and donate food that you never get to cooking, go through your closet and donate clothing to a local shelter or cause. When we give away to others, we actually give back to ourselves. When you give, you allow room for other things to come in to your life. Clean out your garage, clean out your closets and clean out your junk drawers!
I love to go through all of my things from time to time and I always end up getting rid of quite a bit. Sometimes it is sad to let go of things, but sometimes it feels liberating and freeing. The rule of thumb for cleaning and clearing your space is:
Have you used it in the past 6 months?
Is the clothing actually your size right now?
Does this item make you feel emotions anything less than happy or content?
Do you truly love it?
If you answered NO to any of those questions, then those items should probably go. You may have fine China from your Aunt that is antique, but if you pass by the China cabinet everyday and it reminds you of how horrible she was to you… Why are you keeping it? You may have a dresser that is in good working order, but if it reminds you of an unhappy marriage, swap it for a different one. You probably don’t need those 200 pens in your junk drawer, those 50 small pieces of wood that have been in the garage collecting for 20 years, or the 100 design magazines that you have been collecting for 5 years. If you are not using them all the time, donate them.
While we are on the topic of space clearing, here is a few fun Feng Shui (the art of changing the energy in your home) tips for you to take into consideration this weekend:
Good vibes start at the entrance of your home. Make sure this space is always cleared and neat. Organization is key here, especially with shoes. Transform your front door into something cheerful and inviting. Paint it yellow… put a wreath on it… try new things.
Keep your office desk positioned so that you can see anyone that walks into the room.
The far left hand corner of your house (from your front door) is your abundance room. Remember to keep this room clean, organized and happy. Allow this room to remind you of growth, creativity and happiness. It’s a great time to give away things we no longer need, but it is also a great time to shed the practices and activities in our life that no longer serve us as well.
What can you do in your life right now… to make it feel lighter?