Would you like to start having the reality that’s up on your vision board? It is a brand new season and the perfect time to ask yourself what is really holding you back from moving forward. The desire to act on our inspiration and happiness comes from within. Deep within, past all of the patterns and beliefs that we have told ourselves to live with.
1. Alignment is key. If you are telling yourself that you want one thing but actually want another, the universe won’t be able to deliver you ANYTHING. It’s just as confused as you are. Ask yourself if you really, honestly, want the things you are putting on your manifestation list. It is time to get clear and honest. Just because the online world tells you that you have to have a jet-setting lifestyle with diamonds and a Lexus, doesn’t mean that that is in alignment with what your heart wants. <3
2. Access the beliefs and fears that you hold within you. Can you pinpoint the ones that are really holding you back, like a brick wall? There are fears and then there are exciting fears. It is the exciting fears that you want to embrace. These are the ones that your intuition is still nudging you to look at and put action towards. Knowledge is power, so get clear on all of your ideas, beliefs, patterns, voices, etc – that keep you from making changes, believing in your worth, and starting the things that you want to create. <3
3. Connect with people that will support your dreams. Let’s face it. Our ideal client or even our ideal support system is not usually our friends and family. Seek out support groups online or create your own meet-up group to discuss creations, projects, mind-set, etc. Hold the space for others to success and they will do the same for you. <3
4. Receive a roadmap for fast action and alignment. Find a guide, mentor, coach, or person that has created something that you look up to. Something that you yourself desire to create; a product, following, lifestyle, energy, whatever! After years of doing it all on my own, I advanced an entire year working with my first business coach in only the first month. But it’s not just about business advice, it’s about finding the roadmap for your soul’s alignment. You have a unique focus that your soul wants you to take, and without knowing these details, you will not find the flow that these specific details can provide you. <3
To start creating the life that is on your vision board, it means looking within, taking risks, finding help, and being open to the world. Doing 20 things at once hoping to get financial validation from the universe telling you what one thing will work for you, DOES NOT WORK. I know, because this was my story years ago. Things can honestly be easier than you think. It all starts with looking at your current situation, understanding it, finding out your soul’s alignment, and creating a new plan around it!
If you are serious about transforming your life and finding the perfect roadmap for your soul’s creative work, you can find out more details to this on a Creative Soul Guidance Call.