Have you ever wanted to do something but were way too intimidated to try? Believe me, I have been scared to do things many many times. However, I also have truly been the type of person that has tried almost anything career related that I have been interested in. I never wanted to look back and say to myself “I never tried that… I wonder what could of happened?” I was scared to try many things, but I think I tossed myself into the situations quickly, not giving myself time to really think about my feelings on the situations.
It is so important to TRY things… even if you are scared to attempt them. When it comes to the business world, things can be even scarier. There are so many people online, social media, books; yelling at you to do this… do that… and it gets very intimidating. You don’t want to look dumb, scared or like you have no ideas what’s up. Ironically, here are a few things to consider if you have been feeling nervous or stuck, regarding anything you might be wanting to try or start right now. The idea is to exercise your fear muscle!!!
Choose something you always wanted to try but were too intimidated (or somewhere along the way decided it was too late to try). Decide you are going to do it! Whether it’s modelling, painting, drawing, playing the violin or travelling to Yemen… It’s never too late! There are so many stories of individuals who try something later in life and succeed. Don’t let your negative self-talk stop you. You are never too old, too short, too tall, too ”whatever”, to do anything; you just have to decide you are going to do it!
Start to get over your fears by getting some new information. Search the topic on Google, read blogs, read articles, and/ or watch some videos on how to do what you want to do. Look for documentaries and Ted Talks from other people that are successful in this subject. Notice how they think and carry themselves. What actions did they take? What is it that made them different and set them apart? How did they pursue their interest? There is so much free information on the internet – it’s amazing!
Subscribe to online magazines that cover that topic. It will keep you in the loop of what’s new. Plus, you will constantly stay plugged into the energy of that world.
Contact someone you know who is competent at what you are attempting to accomplish. Ask your friends, family or acquaintances if they know someone who does what you want to do. Talk to that person, ask them for advice. Most people feel flattered to be asked and are eager to help. Don’t be afraid to ask! If you can’t find someone to help then seek out a company or organization that specializes in your interest. Offer to volunteer and help out so you can learn the ropes first hand. Most people are happy to accept help, especially from people that want to learn.
Practice, practice, practice. You’re not going tot jump into a 20 KM marathon without practicing a 5KM first… right? You don’t have to jump into the public eye right away. Start to practice in the privacy of your own home. Paint, draw, practice your smile in the mirror or record yourself doing videos. No one has to see or even know. Start by doing it for yourself.
Look into lessons, classes or group practices. If you feel like you could shorten the learning curve by investing in some courses… Do it! You will probably meet some cool new people too, which is a bonus. It’s so great to be surrounded by others who have the same interests as you. If you can’t find anything in your area check online. There are plenty of online courses to instruct and support you in your learning. Learning from others shaves off years of struggle and heartache.
After some practice, commit yourself to an event where you will have a chance to put what you know to the test. Book that photo shoot, go to an open mic night at your local coffee shop or bar, get up there and show them what you’ve got! Look over what you have done and stay in non-judgement as much as possible. There will of course be room for improvement, but don’t berate yourself for not being perfect. No one actually is. You are a work of art in progress.
Appreciate what you have done and look at where you could do better next time. Start to tell yourself and believe “I am a __________ (artist, model, musician).” Believe it. Really get into the role, believe it is you. Your state of mind is reflected in all the cells of your body. If you are waiting for someone to anoint you a worthy _________ , you may be waiting forever. Believe that you are and watch how quickly you make progress.
Be teachable, coachable and non-reactive. Before you know it you’ll be proficient at your new skill. Anyone who has ever accomplished anything great was once a newbie too.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” -Eleanor Roosevelt